For smartphonesYou can access the extensive and ever-growing our recipe platform. It is a brilliant online resource for ideas, inspiration and recipes certified by ChefRobot to work perfectly with your machine. Our professional recipe developers have created to work perfectly with your ChefRobot. From Chinese food to heart-healthy stews, you’ll always find something to excite your palate.
Over 500+ Guided RecipesYour ChefRobot has WiFi connectivity built in, so it takes just a few minutes to get you started on your way to creating deliciousness every day. And your expert ChefRobot Consultant will guide you through every step, from unboxing your new machine to helping you set up your free subscription for hundreds of recipes directly on-screen, menu planning and more.
Save time,save moneyYour second pair of hands in the kitchen, ChefRobot will speed up your meal prep and do the cooking for you while you do what matters most. You can take inexpensive ingredients and turn them into show-stopping meals for a delicious budget friendly menu. Add in Self-Cleaning mode and ChefRobot will clean itself too!
Cooking ModesPreset modes for easy cooking, including Steaming, Kneading, Keep Warm, Sauteing, and Manual mode that gives experienced home chefs customized control over Speed, Time, Temperature and rotation of the Blade (controls chop or stir).
If there”s one thing we can do for our health, it”s cooking more from scratch. Make delicious homemade main meals, snacks, desserts and pantry staples such as flours, pasta sauce, bread, butter, nut-milks, stock pastes and yoghurt from scratch. With ChefRobot, nothing is off the menu and you”ll be saving time and money too.
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