Growth Treatment, Hair Growth Shampoo, anti Hair Loss Treatment, Treatment Hair Thinning , Natural & Organic Herb for Hair Regrowth Faster, Prevent Thinning Hair Loss
About This Product :
Hair Growth Shampoo: it is a shampoo for hair regrowth, made with herbs for women and men, its main ingredients are ginger oil, green tea, poplar bark, aloe, turmeric, all with great properties for the well-being and health of any type of ha ir.
Hair Thickening Shampoo: the act directly organically on the scalp and , as a result, healthy, strong, voluminous and dense hair, balances oily scalp, at the same time restores hair nutrients, further reduces hair loss and breakage, this shampoo stops hair loss, prevents dandruff, stops hair itch, promise fast growth .
Anti-Hair Loss Shampoo (250ML): It is a perfect combination, containing several natural ingredients for hair growth, the anti-hair loss shampoo contains essential bioactive nutrients for hair growth and nutrition.
Shampoo: This is unisex treatment provides a deep cleansing in a gentle way, ideal for all hair types. Organic product, hypoallergenic, without sulfates and other chemical additives.
Scent name: gingel
Hair Thickening Shampoo was meticulously formulated with healing ingredients found in nature. Made from Old Ginger,Polygonum Multiflorum, Panax ginseng Extract and other na-turalanti-hair loss ingredients. Safe and effective, naturally against hair thinning.
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