Wine Filter 24 Packs, Stops Red Wine Headaches Nausea, Wine Allergy Sensitivity Prevention. Reducing The Excess Levels of Tannin Acid and Other Proteins


About This Product :

  • ELIMINATE HEADACHES: We’ve all been there before: we’re at the end of a long evening, having consumed a lot of wine, and an intense headache begins to form. The simple solution here is to always be use the Yarkor wine filters
  • REMOVE SULFITES & HISTAMINE AND TANNIN: Histamines and Tannin are chemicals that are released when we have an allergic reaction and can cause symptoms such as a runny nose, dry eyes and a headache. Recent research has found that red wines, can cause our body to release histamines and create these allergy-type symptoms. To prevent a histamine headache, simply use wine filters prior to having a glass of red wine
  • TASTES BETTER: Performing filtrations with Yarkor filters can shorten the time required for the wine to become fully mature. It does so by reducing the excess levels of tannic acid and other proteins. These elements are one of major root causes of harshness in younger wines, wine filters can make a wine that already looks clear, become even more radiant and brilliant than one would suspect
  • SAFE AND EFFECTIVE: The wine filter is made of polypropylene and cellulose fabric, with nanopore beads for filtering. These wine filter are gluten, soy & dairy free, with no sweeteners or artificial flavors
  • EASY TO USE: Place The wine filter in one 6-8 ounce glass of wine and wait for 5 minutes. Remove wine filter and discard. fits in purse or pocket. Disposable for on-the-go use. Perfect for social gatherings

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