Japanese Seven Spice, also known as Shichimi Togarashi, is a popular Japanese seasoning which combines seven distinct spices, including Sichuan pepper, nori flakes, orange peel and sesame seed into one unique spice blend. McCormick Gourmet Japanese Seven Spice Seasoning adds an explosion of flavor and heat to your meals. Add to Japanese dishes, like miso & ramen soups, udon noodles, tempura and edamame. Introduce umami to your cooking by using it to season everyday dishes – from grain salads and slaws to steamed rice and sautéed vegetables. Sprinkled on grilled meats and seafood, it adds a new kind of spicy-citrusy heat. You’ll find so many reasons to keep a jar on the table – it perks up deviled eggs, fries, popcorn and even avocado toast!
- Japanese Seven Spice, or Shichimi Togarashi, is a popular Japanese seasoning
- Spices include Sichuan pepper, nori flakes, orange peel and sesame seed
- Adds an explosion of flavor and heat to your meals
- Non GMO
- For Japanese miso & ramen soups, udon noodles, tempura and edamame
- Sprinkle on grilled meats and seafood to add spicy-citrusy heat
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