From the #1 Brand in septic system treatment, RID-X Septic Tank Treatment Liquid helps prevent septic backups by continuously breaking down household waste. RID-X helps maintain a healthy balance of septic bacteria throughout the year in order to prevent expensive septic backups. The natural bacteria and advanced enzymes start working immediately to break down paper, protein, oils & grease. RID-X is safe for use with pipes and septic tanks. Always remember to use RID-X monthly along with occasional pumping. 8 oz of our proven formula is 1 monthly dose for septic tanks up to 1500 gallons. To use, simply pour the liquid into the toilet & flush, or into any sink drain & run water for 15 seconds. Based on national Nielsen sales data. Along with occasional pumping.
RID-X Septic Tank System Maintenance products will give septic system
homeowners peace of mind by helping maintain a free-flowing system. RID-X formula is scientifically formulated with 100% natural bacteria and enzymes to digest household waste. By adding RID-X to the septic system every month, along with regular pumping, you can help prevent expensive septic backups and prolong the life of your system.
Contains Bacteria Cultures, Enzymes, Micronutrients and Water Carrier.
Use every month. Shake bottle before use. For tanks up to 1500 gallons, pour 8 FL. OZ. into the toilet or any sink drain. Flush toilet or run water down sink drain for 15 seconds.
KEEP OUT OF REACH OF CHILDREN. CAUTION: Contains enzymes. May cause eye irritation. May cause mild skin irritation after prolonged contact. Inhaling mist from this product could cause irritation to the lungs and mucous membranes. Ingestion could cause irritation to the mouth and throat. Individuals having known allergies, as well as those with respiratory disease or disorders, should avoid contact with this product. First Aid: If in eyes, rinse eyes with water for fifteen minutes, if irritation persists, see a physician. If on skin, wash the product off the skin with soap and water. If irritation develops, see a physician. If inhaled, move to fresh air and avoid further contact with product. If breathing problems develop, see a physician. If ingested, drink water to dilute and call a physician. Induce vomiting only if advised by a physician.
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